Looking back, I can understand why some men view dating as a means for women to gain financial independence.

Additionally, modern women often have unrealistic expectations.

During a rooftop reunion with my friend, we discussed his experience as a single father after his relatively amicable divorce. He mentioned that he was enjoying his current situation, as he shared custody of his daughter and had some peace of mind. However, he expressed his dislike for dating. He explained that when he goes out with younger women, they lack life experience and are more focused on social media attention. On the other hand, when he tries to date women his age or older, they often come with emotional baggage from recent breakups or divorces. Some also have children, which he doesn't want to deal with since he doesn't want more kids. Additionally, he mentioned that these women expect him to pay for everything and sometimes even ask for money when they have financial problems. He expressed frustration with this situation, as he is already providing for his wife, daughter, and himself. He admitted feeling lonely at times and desiring some physical and emotional connection. Consequently, he found it easier and more logical to go to certain establishments where he could pay for companionship and intimacy. He believed it was a straightforward arrangement that eliminated the uncertainty and financial burden of traditional dating.

Many men can relate to these frustrations in the dating world, as they often find themselves paying significant attention, time, and money without any assurance of a successful relationship. However, it's important to note that this perspective does not support or endorse the sex trade, which is illegal in most countries. The speaker also touched upon the idea of a de facto relationship, cautioning against the potential legal complications that can arise from cohabitation. He suggests maintaining separate financial arrangements and living situations to prevent unintended legal responsibilities. It's disheartening that society has reached a point where men need to seek loopholes to protect themselves. Nevertheless, it is crucial to find healthy outlets for frustration and stress.

Overall, the video aimed to shed light on the challenges men face in the dating game and provide some practical advice to navigate these difficulties.

Watch video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzqd4Q65o98